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Transcendent Smiles Blog

7 Tips to Find a new Dentist in Severna Park

February 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:07 pm

selfie with dentistDo you know the secret to a healthy smile? It involves more than just your toothbrush and dental floss. It also includes the care you receive from your dentist over the years. If you are new to the area, dissatisfied with your current dental team, or have not scheduled an appointment in a while, you need a new dentist in Severna Park. Although there are many excellent options nearby, not all will meet your needs. There are a few key steps to follow to choose the best dentist to help you reach and maintain optimal oral health.

Want Healthier Teeth and Gums? See Your Dentist in Severna Park Soon

January 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:31 pm

Your dentist in Severna Park isn’t just for emergencies. He or she is an integral part of your overall health care strategy. That’s because healthy teeth and gums are essential to overall well-being. Regular cleanings and exams not only keep cavities at bay, they allow your dentist to spot potentially serious health condition in their early, most treatable stages.


Why You Shouldn’t Delay Dental Implants in Severna Park

January 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:11 pm

Dental implantIf you are one of the 120 million Americans that the American College of Prosthodontists estimates is missing at least one tooth, you may feel too embarrassed to smile fully, laugh or even speak around others. However, a missing tooth can impact more than just your appearance and self-confidence – a gap in your smile can also negatively affect your health. Below are a few important reasons why you should not delay getting dental implants in Severna Park.


Your Handy Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry in Millersville

December 28, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:00 am

Man with perfect smileIt is movie awards season again, complete with red carpets and celebrities flashing their straight, perfect smiles to the cameras and the crowd. However, you don’t have to be an A-lister to achieve the perfect smile of your dreams! There is a range of cosmetic dentistry treatments available – like Invisalign clear braces – that can address different types of dental imperfections. Want to know which is the right procedure for you? Here is a handy guide to cosmetic dentistry in Millersville.


A Smile That Dazzles for the Holidays with Your Dentist in Millersville

November 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:53 pm

Half white smile.Now that the holidays are here, your calendar is sure to be full of family, friends, and work events or parties. So, are you ready for that perfect holiday photo? If you’re like 1/3 of Americans, you may not be satisfied with your grin. Many people avoid smiling for photos altogether because of their discolored or stained smile. Keep reading to learn how your dentist in Millersville can give you a smile as white as snow for the holiday season!


Protect Your Dental Crowns in Severna Park for the holidays

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:37 pm

Man with tooth pain.Do you have dental crowns? These are tooth-shaped caps that fit over your tooth to protect it, strengthen it, and improve its appearance. If you’ve had cracked, chipped, or severely decayed teeth, you probably have a dental crown in your smile. During the holidays your teeth go through more wear and tear than normal because of the indulgences made in foods and drinks. Keep reading to learn some tips on how to protect your dental crowns in Severna Park during the holiday season to keep your smile looking and feeling great.


Do This for Recovery After Receiving Dental Implants in Severna Park

October 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:14 pm

older man smiling holding appleThere once was a time when the only way to restore missing teeth was with the placement of traditional dentures, but with dental implants, patients have a sound alternative. For the process to be successful, though, requires that some guidelines be followed. With the post-treatment tips your dentist provides, you’ll be able to enjoy a lasting restoration for many years to come!


Need a Confidence Boost? Your Dentist in Severna Park Knows How

September 1, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:24 pm

Woman smiling confidently. A recent study shows that more than 1/3 of Americans are unhappy with their smile. Of those people, 36% say they would have an improved social life if they had better teeth. Does this sound like you? Many people avoid smiling or don’t smile in photos because they’re self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth. Read on to learn how cosmetic dentistry can boost your confidence, improve your social life, and even help your career from a trusted dentist in Severna Park.


What’s the Best Way to Care For Your Porcelain Veneers In Millersville?

July 9, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:30 pm

Model of a veneer being adhered to a front toothIf there’s a cosmetic dental procedure that can do it all, it’s porcelain veneers. Almost any type of smile imperfection can be completely transformed with this one procedure: whether it’s chips and cracks, stains, minor gaps and crowding, or misshapen teeth! In fact, porcelain veneers are the reason that nearly every actor, politician and public figure you see has such a beautiful smile. But, if you’ve recently enhanced your smile with porcelain veneers in Millersville, you might like to know the best way to keep your new smile looking great for as long as possible. Keep reading to find out why porcelain is such a great material to begin with and how you can maintain for many years.


What Is the Success Rate of Dental Implants in Millersville?

June 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:36 pm

dental implant illustrationYou may have heard a lot of good things about dental implants in Millersville, and rightly so. This tooth replacement option allows you to regain a strong, natural-looking smile that can last for the rest of your life. Still, you might have heard horror stories about dental implant failure, causing you to hold back from looking into this treatment for yourself. As you’re about to find out, however, such unfortunate incidents are very few and far between.


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