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Transcendent Smiles Blog

How Your Dentist Is Keeping Their Practice Clean During COVID-19

May 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 7:23 pm

dentist near Severna Park stepping into shoe covering

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing so much about our daily lives, from shopping for groceries to talking with our loved ones. Some of these changes may stick around long after we develop a vaccine, such as washing our hands more frequently. One practice that may remain is the way that dentists clean their offices. Dental offices were already incredibly sterile before all of this, but now they have gone above and beyond in ensuring their patients’ safety. Here are a few of the steps that your dentist near Severna Park takes to keep their office as clean and germ-free as possible.


How It’s Possible to Practice Social Distancing at the Dentist’s Office

May 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 7:19 pm

two people wearing face masks and touching elbows

During these uncertain times, one of the only constants seems to be the phrase “social distancing.” You can’t even have a casual conversation these days without someone mentioning the new six-feet rule, and for good reason. Research suggests that social distancing works to slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve. For this reason, experts recommend practicing it whenever and wherever you can. That includes the dentist’s office. Is it even possible to social distance at the dentist’s? According to a dentist near Severna Park, it definitely is. Keep reading to learn what your dentist is doing to implement social distancing in their practice.


How Your Dentist’s Office Stays Safe and Clean During COVID-19

April 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:45 pm

dentist near Severna Park washing their hands

Due to COVID-19, personal hygiene is now more important than ever before. Adhering to social distancing guidelines and wearing a mask when you have to go out could save your life in times like these. While you might have to worry about catching the virus when you go out the grocery store, one place you should feel safe is the office of your dentist near Severna Park. Dentist’s offices are some of the most sterile places you could be. Keep reading to learn some of the preventive measures your dentist takes in order to keep their office as clean as possible.


4 Oral Hygiene Habits to Help You Avoid COVID-19

April 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:43 pm

yellow toothbrush with toothpaste on it

Do you want to lower your risk of catching COVID-19? Of course you do! Besides adhering to social distancing and wearing masks and gloves when you do have to leave the house, there are a few other precautions you can take to prevent the spread of this disease. Keep reading as a dentist near Severna Park gives a few tips on how to avoid contracting the coronavirus by following excellent oral hygiene practices.


Keeping Your Smile Healthy While Your Dentist’s Office is Closed

March 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 1:19 pm

Woman brushing her teeth in the bathroom mirrorVisit your dentist every six months.” You’ve most likely already heard this advice and taken it to heart in order to protect yourself from cavities and gum disease. But what if your dentist in Millersville has been forced to close their doors to all but emergency cases? Right now, you may not be able to get a regular dental checkup and cleaning; that does not mean, however, that your oral hygiene needs to suffer as a result. To learn more about protecting your smile during the COVID-19 pandemic, keep reading.


Can You Fight COVID-19 with Mouthwash? The Importance of a Clean Mouth

March 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 3:19 pm

Man pouring mouthwash into lid over sinkIn order to protect yourself and the people close to you from COVID-19, you need to pay close attention to every aspect of your health. Naturally, your mouth is no exception. Quarantine should give you plenty of time for regular brushing and flossing, but if you want mouth to be as clean as possible, you may want to consider adding a few additional steps to your oral hygiene routine. Read on to learn why your dentist in Millersville may suggest using mouthwash during a time when everyone needs to be concerned about their health.


Why This is the Perfect Time to Invest in Cosmetic Dental Care

February 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 3:24 am

older woman smiling after receiving cosmetic dentistry in Severna ParkIt’s only natural to strive to make improvements in your life at the beginning of a new year. When making your list of areas to upgrade, you shouldn’t overlook your smile aesthetics. After all, when you stare into the mirror each day, you’re reminded that you want to make a change. If the image you see has been bothering you, then this may be your best opportunity to do something about it. As you continue reading, you’ll discover how you can put your tax return to good use and boost your confidence with cosmetic dentistry in Severna Park!


Why The New Year is the Time to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

January 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 11:29 pm

A woman celebrating the new year.With another year ahead of you, you’re probably thinking about the different resolutions you want to fulfil and your plans for doing so before the next ball drops. If you don’t have anything in mind at this point in time, why not consider giving your smile another look? After all, if your resolution involves being more social or putting yourself out there at your workplace, having a smile you feel confident showing off can make a huge difference! Keep reading to learn how a new year smile from a cosmetic dentist in Severna Park can help you meet your resolution!



How Can I Fix Black Triangles and Gaps?

November 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 12:14 am

woman smilingOver the years, you expect there to be a few changes to the appearance of your smile, like discoloration or stains. You probably weren’t prepared to see dark spaces between your teeth. As we age, it’s common for black triangles to form near the base of the teeth and the gum line. While you might think it’s only an aesthetic concern, it can also increase your risk of dental complications because food particles and plaque can get trapped in the small spaces. Whether from bone loss, genetics, gum disease, or another issue, you don’t need to live with the results. Your cosmetic dentist in Severna Park can fill the gaps to transform your smile.

4 Ways to Make Your Smile Look Its Best This Holiday Season

November 1, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:26 pm

woman smiling wearing Santa hat

It’s November, which means the holiday season is officially in full swing. You’re looking forward to all the time you’re going to spend with loved ones, but one thing is bothering you: your smile. It doesn’t shine as brightly as you want it to, whether that’s due to discoloration, chips, cracks, or crooked teeth. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry near Severna Park has several ways to help get your smile looking its best just in time for the holiday season. Keep reading to learn 4 of them.


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