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The Little-Known Relationship Between Your Heart and Smile

February 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 12:33 pm

Valentine’s Day reminds you to take a moment to show the special people in your life that you care about them. It’s also a great time to show some love to your cardiovascular system, as February is American Heart Health Month. With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States, this is the perfect time to become better educated. As you continue reading, discover what your heart and gum health have in common and how your dentist can be of help.


4 Smile-Worthy Examples of Cosmetic Dentistry

January 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 7:42 pm
Red-haired woman sitting on couch smiling

While traditional dentistry focuses entirely on the health of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry is all about bringing out the beauty of your smile. The term “cosmetic dentistry” can refer to any treatment meant to improve the color, position, shape, size, alignment, and overall appearance of your teeth. What kind of cosmetic dental treatments are right for your own one-of-a-kind grin? Below are 4 examples of services that a cosmetic dentist in Millersville might suggest if you’re unhappy with what you see in the mirror and in photographs.


How to Survive the Holidays with Invisalign

December 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 1:01 am
Woman with Invisalign in Millersville

Some may say that this is the most wonderful time of the year, but for others, it can be quite stressful. If you have Invisalign in Millersville, you may be wondering how this will affect your holiday season. While it may be easier to neglect your treatment during this festive season, with a few simple tips, you will be able to continue on a path towards a straighter smile while enjoying holiday celebrations. Here are some helpful pieces of advice from your dentist in Millersville.


Don’t Let These Holiday Foods Hurt Your Teeth

December 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 10:42 pm

The holidays are just around the corner which means that you probably have a lot planned. Whether you are wanting to string lights around your home, listen to festive music, or do some holiday baking, you have plenty to look forward to. However, your teeth aren’t eager for the holidays to come around. A dentist in Millersville warns that you should be wary of the following holiday foods so that you don’t end up with oral health issues in the new year.


Would You Make a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

November 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 11:12 pm
Woman after cosmetic dentistry in Millersville

There isn’t a single person out there who doesn’t want to have an attractive looking smile. After all, no one wants to feel self-conscious when they are smiling at the camera or meeting new people. For those who just don’t feel great about their teeth, there is and option out there – cosmetic dentistry! But this isn’t for everyone. Before you commit to cosmetic dentistry in Millersville, there are a few things you will want to know. Continue reading to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and what you should know.


5 Benefits of Showing Off Your Smile

October 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 6:11 pm
Woman smiling

Smiling is great because it generally means that you’re happy about something. However, smiling is a lot more than just being a sign of happiness. There are many different ways that showing off your pearly whites can improve your quality of life. In fact, there are multiple different benefits of smiling for your health and overall wellbeing. Continue reading to learn what those are from your dentist in Millersville.


How to Ease the Discomfort of Invisalign

October 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 3:40 am
Woman with cold compress

Whether you have braces or clear aligners, you are going to experience some discomfort. This occurs because the teeth are slowly shifting which is bound to cause some soreness in the mouth. It is normal for this to happen for the first few days after putting in new trays. The good news is that there steps you can take to relieve Invisalign discomfort. Continue reading to learn some effective tips from your dentist in Severna Park.


How Daily Flossing Saves Lives

August 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 5:17 pm

Woman flossingFlossing probably isn’t your favorite activity and many people tend to skip over it from time to time, but it is essential for a healthy smile and a healthy body. If you neglect flossing during your oral hygiene routine, you could experience all sorts of dangerous complications for both your gums and your general health. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist in Severna Park about how flossing could prevent an untimely death.


What Your Dentist Wants You to Know About COVID-19

July 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 7:17 pm

Dentist in Severna Park with patientAlthough stay-at-home orders are being lifted and the transition out of quarantine has begun, the fight against the transmission of the novel Coronavirus is not yet over. Since extensive research is still being conducted on this novel virus, patients continue to express concerns over which activities are considered safe or dangerous. While every news channel and social media platform is covering the topic, your dentist in Severna Park has a few key things to share regarding your dental visit during COVID-19.


How Your Dentist Is Keeping Their Practice Clean During COVID-19

May 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cooklin and Ward Dental Group @ 7:23 pm

dentist near Severna Park stepping into shoe covering

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing so much about our daily lives, from shopping for groceries to talking with our loved ones. Some of these changes may stick around long after we develop a vaccine, such as washing our hands more frequently. One practice that may remain is the way that dentists clean their offices. Dental offices were already incredibly sterile before all of this, but now they have gone above and beyond in ensuring their patients’ safety. Here are a few of the steps that your dentist near Severna Park takes to keep their office as clean and germ-free as possible.


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