Invisalign aligners are an incredibly powerful orthodontic treatment, capable of giving patients results comparable to braces much more discreetly, and without the dietary restrictions.
Invisalign treatment also tends to take less time than traditional braces, though there’s one big caveat that comes with that: refinement trays. Here’s more information about this aspect of Invisalign treatment.
What are Invisalign Refinement Trays?
When you first begin Invisalign treatment, your dentist will create a treatment plan, where all the aligners from the beginning to the end of your treatment are designed and crafted. However, things rarely go according to plan, and at the end of your treatment your dentist may find that there are a few things that still need to be corrected.
This is when your dentist will make you some refinement trays, which will target the problems that weren’t necessarily addressed by the previous set of aligners. This process will be similar to the first set of aligners your dentist crafted for you, and may extend treatment by anywhere from three to six months.
Will I Have to Pay Extra?
Refinement trays are incredibly common; most people who go through Invisalign treatment can expect to need them. As a result, they’re nearly always included in the original price of treatment. This may change if you need an extreme amount of refinement, or if you’ve had an unusual number of trays replaced the past, but you almost certainly will not have to pay for refinement aligners.
How to Avoid Refinements
While refinement trays won’t cost you anything, most people want to get through their treatment as quickly as possible. If you want to avoid refinement trays adding time to your treatment, there are a few things you can do.
For one, be sure to wear your aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours a day. You should also take good care of your teeth so that you don’t have to skip out on wearing your aligners, and should tell your dentist if you think your treatment isn’t proceeding as you think it should. Keep these tips in mind, and you should have a perfectly straight smile in no time!
About the Author
Dr. Vy Tran has been working in dentistry for over eight years so far, and she feels proud to be able to partner with her incredible dental team to help members of her community find their perfect smiles. Dr. Tran received her dental doctorate from the University of Maryland at Baltimore, and since then she has continued her education with the Triple Crown Study Club, an affiliate with the Seattle Study Club.
If you have any questions about Invisalign refinements, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (410) 729-9090.